Wednesday Evening Events
We realise that it can feel like a long time from one Sunday to the next ... so we meet on Wednesday events for some midweek faith input and encouragement!
We have a rotating programme of events
We realise that it can feel like a long time from one Sunday to the next ... so we meet on Wednesday events for some midweek faith input and encouragement!
We have a rotating programme of events
A time of stripped-back praise and worship, led by Graham and Susan James. These evenings are about singing love songs to Jesus and hearing what He has to say to us, in return.
Simply an opportunity to 'be family' and have fun together. This often involves food and games ... and sometimes, it involves a faith-building movie night, complete with lollies and popcorn!
A church member shares on the theme of a 'stronghold' (e.g. unforgiveness, anxiety...) and attendees can share their own experiences and offer wisdom/advice on how to 'live out' the freedom that Christ has purchased for us.
Robin Elliott is currently delivering a series entitled 'The Roadmap to Transformation' which is proving to be really illuminating for those who attend. We believe that the Bible is God's inspired Word and a gold-mine of truth ... so we love unpacking it together!